Technical Process

Process Flow


Process Flow


“DA-YANG”Products Usage Instructions


In order to maximize the performance of "DA-YANG" products in the process of use and to enhance economic efficiency, please pay attention to the following matters:

1、When initially loading grinding balls into a new mill, it is strictly prohibited to run the mill without any materials inside, otherwise it will easily lead to crushing and peeling of the grinding ball.

2、Do not mix our products with those from other manufacturers. Products of different materials or performances should not be mixed to avoid affecting the use-effect of our products.

3. When the particle size of the material entering the ball mill is too large or abnormal, it should be handled in time; Avoid frequent starting and stopping of the ball mill, and the supply of materials should be sufficient and timely to avoid running without material and insufficient material, which will increase the wear of the grinding ball.

4、When adding grinding balls, strictly follow the process requirements for timely and accurate replenishment.

5、During operation, pay attention to parameters like electric current, output per hour, and discharge fineness, to timely adjust the grinding ball gradation and quantity added.

6. Before unloading grinding balls from a hot or high-temperature mill, first open the mill door to cool it down to normal temperature, then unload the grinding balls to prevent them from cracking due to rapid cooling or contact with moisture.

7. If any abnormal phenomenon occurs during the use of this product, please contact our technical department immediately. Service hotline: 0563-4187888